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Our services

R&D tax credits

In the UK companies are able to claim tax relief for their R&D activity. With our thorough understanding of the R&D ecosystem, our technical capability and our compliance led approach, we create value to our clients by identifying their R&D and creating a robust claim.

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IP consultancy services

We see your IP through a commercial lens – to look both inside your business and externally at your industry and competition. Our services include Patent Box which allows innovative UK businesses to benefit from a reduced Corporation Tax rate on profits related to their patented technology.

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International tax planning​

International tax planning

For organisation that have international business interests, navigating through the tax incentives available can be challenging and complex. At Source Advisors, we want to guide you through the right strategy, starting with your key domestic territory and then identify how overseas matters can complement your tax planning.

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Other services

We take a genuinely holistic approach and think about the big picture looking for opportunities to support innovative businesses in the UK. We have the expertise to advise our clients on RDA (Research and Development Allowances) and the Energy Intensive Industries (EII) exemption relief scheme.

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For accountants

We see our partnerships with accountancy firms as a central and integral part of our business. Partnering with a specialist like Source Advisors can reassure accountants who have concerns over compliance, the increased risk of an enquiry, and the demands on time and resource in offering an R&D service in-house.

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For investors

To gain an edge, investors have to plan and capture the full upside from incentives on R&D, Intellectual Property and patents. We work as partners with the investment community to improve outcomes on value, risk and insight metrics.

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