H&H Contract Scaffolding Ltd (TC09082)

16 February 2024

Key points in summary

  • The FTT accepted the taxpayer’s appeal, finding wholly in favour of H & H Contract Scaffolding Ltd (H&H).
  • The appeal considered a penalty issued by HMRC for ‘careless inaccuracy’.
  • The burden of proof of carelessness is on HMRC unless this shifts back to the taxpayer, here the definition extends to the agent.
  • If the taxpayer can show they took reasonable care to avoid any inaccuracy, they are not liable to penalties.

Background to this FTT decision

H&H used Legal Rooms to make an R&D tax relief claim and during the Tribunal presented evidence as to why he felt them to be a reputable company. The FTT did not discuss the R&D as this matter had already been conceded, this case only considered how a penalty should be applied. 

Decisions and outcomes from this FTT

The FTT found in favour of H&H and stated, ‘it is for the Respondents (HMRC) to prove a careless inaccuracy, not for the Appellant (H&H) to establish a “reasonable excuse’.

The test was based on the balance of probabilities that the taxpayer had taken reasonable care.

Lessons learned for future R&D tax relief claims and appeals

When selecting an advisor, businesses need to show they have taken the time to consider which agent they wish to use and why they chose them.

There is an implied requirement to show skill and care in selecting an advisor and shouldn’t just rely on a speculative email or cold call without further due diligence into the standing of the agent.

Our final thoughts

This is good news for genuine businesses who have been given poor advice from rouge agents. It is a shame that a business had to go through this time intensive process whereas, the agent has given bad R&D advice without any repercussions. This does nothing to improve that standards of the industry and begs the question as to whether we need a deterrent too offering bad advice and poor agent practice.

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