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Countdown to COP26

It probably hasn’t escaped your notice that the UK is hosting the 26th UN Climate Change Conference of the Parties (COP26) in Glasgow at the end of this month.

Here at GovGrant, we work with a wide range of innovative companies in the UK cleantech sector to ensure they get the full range of R&D and IP incentives that they are entitled to. We also support the investment community to plan and capture the full upside from these incentives. In doing so, we recognise both the challenge and opportunity of using innovation to tackle climate change.

The goals for COP26 and the importance of investment

Countries are being asked to propose ambitious emissions reductions targets for 2030 with the longer-term goal of reaching net-zero by the middle of this century.

Developed countries have already pledged to mobilise at least $100bn in climate finance per year. If the world is going to achieve net-zero and protect communities and habitats, then that’s a pledge that countries must deliver on.

International financial institutions are seen as key as we work towards unleashing the trillions in private and public sector finance required to secure global net zero.

#26ForCOP26 cohort of cleantech ventures

We are proud to be supporting Greenbackers and sponsoring the #26ForCOP26 event, held in Glasgow at the same time as the main COP26 conference. Their initiative has selected 26 companies to form a cohort of cleantech ventures who are all seeking to move the needle on climate change through the development of their highly innovative solutions. The 26 were chosen from hundreds of applicants and have been deemed “investment ready” by the Greenbackers team.

The cohort’s technologies are applicable across the full gamut of cleantech sub-sectors including e-mobility, blue economy, renewable energy, resource conservation, sustainable farming, circular economy, sustainable consumption, and many more.

The 26ForCOP26 SuperPitch – an opportunity for investors

By registering for the event investors can access the full 26 For COP26 Cohort in an online Showcase deal room or attend the event in Glasgow to see, hear and understand the companies in person. Join the event here.

GovGrant will be at the show to lend our support and to give valuable and practical advice to the cleantech disruptors and their investors about commercialising their innovation.

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