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The importance of Mental Health First Aiders here at Source Advisors

On this World Mental Health Day it’s timely to acknowledge the importance of mental health here at Source Advisors. With the increasing recognition of mental health issues and their profound impact on productivity and overall well-being, workplaces are beginning to prioritise mental health alongside physical health. One significant step towards this is the integration of Mental Health First Aiders (MHFA) in the workplace.

Here Lynsey Mitchinson, our Head of HR, finds out more from Susie Wynters, one of our MHFAs here at Source Advisors.

What is Mental Health First Aid?

Mental Health First Aid is really the same as physical first aid but focuses on mental health crises. MHFA training equips individuals with the skills to recognise the signs of mental health issues, provide initial support, and guide a person towards appropriate professional help. This training is crucial for creating a supportive work environment where employees feel understood and cared for.

What is the role of a Mental Health First Aider?

A Mental Health First Aider is not a therapist or a counsellor, but I serve as a point of contact for fellow employees experiencing mental health issues or emotional distress. My responsibilities include:

  • Recognising signs: Identifying early symptoms of mental health problems such as depression, anxiety, or stress.
  • Providing support: Offering a non-judgmental listening ear and reassurance.
  • Guiding towards help: Encouraging the individual to seek professional help and guiding them on how to access it.
  • Promoting awareness: Helping to reduce the stigma associated with mental health issues by encouraging open conversations and awareness.

Why are Mental Health First Aiders crucial?

Early detection and intervention can prevent mental health issues from escalating. As an MHFA I can help identify the warning signs and intervene early, potentially averting a crisis.

  1. Trained mental health first aiders help foster a culture of support and understanding where employees are more likely to feel valued and less isolated
  2. Mental health issues often carry a stigma which can lead to a reluctance in seeking help. MHFA can help normalise conversations around mental health, encouraging more employees to speak up and seek assistance.
  3. It can make good business sense as well as being beneficial to employees. Mental health issues can significantly impact productivity for any business. By addressing these issues promptly and effectively, workplaces can maintain a healthier and therefore more productive workforce.

A workplace that prioritises mental health contributes to the overall well-being of its employees resulting in greater job satisfaction, reduced numbers of days taken off for mental health and lower turnover rates.

How we implemented the policy of Mental Health First Aiders at Source Advisors

In order to implement a policy of Mental Health First Aiders here at Source Advisors there were several steps we had to go through.

Training: We ensured that individuals received accredited MHFA training.

Awareness campaigns: We launched awareness campaigns to promote the role of MHFA and let employees know what support is available to them.

Confidentiality policies: It is important to establish clear policies to ensure confidentiality and trust between employees and MHFAs

Regular follow-ups: We make sure our MHFA have regular check-ins and provide ongoing support to ensure they are coping well with their responsibilities.

Feedback mechanisms: We have implemented feedback mechanisms to continuously improve the mental health support system here at Source Advisors.

The introduction of Mental Health First Aiders in the workplace is a significant step towards fostering a healthier, more supportive work environment. By prioritising mental health, we not only enhance employee well-being but also drive productivity and organisational success. In the long run, the presence of MHFA can help transform our culture, making this a safer, more inclusive space for everyone.

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